Analysing phone conversations and email exchanges with AI and Predictive Analytics
Analysing phone conversation and email exchanges with AI and Predictive Analytics to detect risk and profile customers for optimal engagement.
Many organisations continue to engage with customers by phone and email , with customer support centres and account managers dealing with requests from customers. These exchanges can be revealing but in the moment, while dealing with some of these requests in a timely manner, agents might not detect the risk or have the ability to act on the sales opportunities.
Using AI to analyse the content of exchanges between customers and a bank for language patterns, word combinations and key phrases enables the detection of attempts that will put the bank at risk. Even in the absence of such events, a solution can also build a profile of the customer contributing to the customer’s global risk score.
Using Natural Language Processing and sophisticated pattern recognition algorithms, exchanges are analysed and provided with a risk score, which will create alerts when a certain risk threshold is exceeded, while also adjusting the customer global risk score based on the dynamic profiling and behaviour modelling algorithms.
Where exchanges were previously not considered in determining the probability of a risk event taking place, it is now wholly possible to detect unsuspected risk persons and their behaviours.